
Exchange or Trade Cards in Crazy Fox

The Crazy Fox game offers the opportunity to exchange or trade cards in crazy fox where you can collect missing cards in exchange for your extra cards.

You will get to see a lot of card albums in the game. Some card albums will be unlocked and some locked. Your albums will unlock as you complete Crazy Fox Village.

In the card album, you get to see a set of cards where some cards are normal and some are golden. You can send and request normal cards at any time but golden cards are traded only during the golden card trade event.

In today’s post, you will get information on how you can exchange and trade Crazy Fox cards so that your card album can be easily completed.

Table of Contents

ToggleWhat is Exchange or Trade Cards in Crazy Fox?

How to trade cards in crazy fox?I) Cards Album Collection

II) Ask or Send Cards to the Club

III) Gold Cards Exchange Event


What is Exchange or Trade Cards in Crazy Fox?

Exchange is a method where you request your friends to exchange an extra card for another card that is missing or rare in your set.

In simple words, it is to exchange cards with each other. This is a great method to complete your card album by exchanging them.

Trade is the option for which the trade event for golden cards is run in Crazy Fox. Two golden cards are chosen at random which can be from any album.

If you have that card extra then send it to any of your friends and if that card is not available with you then you can request it.

How to trade cards in crazy fox?

Although there are many ways to trade Crazy Fox cards, I will tell you about three such methods where you will be able to easily send and request a trade exchange of cards.

That method is card album collection, sending and requesting cards in clubs, and gold card trade events.

I) Cards Album Collection

You go to your card album and open those albums where your card is missing. You type above the missing card and you will see the request button. You can send a request for that card to your Facebook friends or Crazy Fox’s friends.

You can tap on the card extra in your album and send it to your friends who need this card. This is a very simple method. You can send five cards to your friend every day.

II) Ask or Send Cards to the Club

Club features are a very interesting part of this game. 50 members of the club help each other with cards, coins, etc.

In the club, you are given an Ask for Card button where you can request the missing card. Whoever among your club members has that extra card. They accept your request and send the card.

Similarly, if another member of the group has requested a card, you can help him with your extra card. You can request a missing card only once per 24 hours.

III) Gold Cards Exchange Event

You cannot trade the Golden Card like other cards. You will find one to three golden cards in each card album. These cards are so rare that they do not appear in chest boxes.

In such a situation, the best way to get this card is through the Gold Card Exchange Event. Two random golden cards are traded during the event. The event is of some time interval and you have to complete that trade within that time.

If you have a missing trade event gold card, you can request that card from your friends. If you have Golden Card Extra then you can send it.

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I hope you have completely understood today’s article Exchange and Trade Cards in Crazy Fox. We have detailed Crazy Fox trade and exchange information.

If you want to give any more information related to Crazy Fox Trade and Exchange or have any doubts, then please reply in the comment box below.

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